This is so problematic for the community because it makes it even more difficult for players to recognize these hacks in the Killcam.

The only difference is that with Soft Aim the weapon is automatically fired when the crosshair is over an enemy, while with Silent Aim your bullets are more or less magnetically attracted to the enemy but you still need to manually fire.

The hacking players move like normal and aim like normal. So both hacks are specific types of aimbots that are particularly inconspicuous as they do not automatically lock onto players. Silent Aim is now a thing - get ready to have the game destroyed even harder by cheaters in the next couple of days from CODWarzone Basically it turns your opponents in bullet magnets. Usually, players killed by Soft Aim aren’t aware they were a cheater’s victim. Players using Soft Aim are hard to recognize, as their cheats are less noticeable. So if you shoot in the approximate direction of an enemy, the bullets will still hit. The Soft Aim hack (or Softaim) in Fortnite is a less severe version of Aimbot however more extreme than regular Aim Assist. In contrast to normal aimbots, the crosshairs are not jerked onto the opponent, but the bullets are still sent to the next best opponent in the field of view. The player himself does not have to do anything more than moving the crosshair over an opponent. As with the Soft Aim, the player can move and aim normally, but he has to pull the trigger himself. What is Soft Aim in Warzone Soft Aim is an aimbot that works as an auto-trigger and automatically shoots with 100 accuracy as soon as the player has his crosshair on another player. Silent Aim in Warzone basically gives the hacker magnetic bullets.